We are open until 5pm tomorrow for the Seabreeze Festival serving our lunch specials and delicious homemade treats all day from 8.30am. Be sure to call into us as you are enjoying the festival weekend!
Woodenbridge Deli and Bakery, 2016.07.15.
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We are open until 5pm tomorrow for the Seabreeze Festival serving our lunch specials and delicious homemade treats all day from 8.30am. Be sure to call into us as you are enjoying the festival weekend!
Woodenbridge Deli and Bakery, 2016.07.15.
Today is the big day!!! Ireland Vs France kicking off at 2pm on our Big Screen in the all new Goldmines Bar with food served from 12.30pm! #COYBIG
Woodenbridge Deli and Bakery, 2016.06.26.
Northern Rye: Redefining British Bakery Delights in Newcastle