The Real Burger

Burger Restaurant Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurant
Nothing added, never frozen just 100% fresh & local

The Real Burger contact


address: Langford Street, Killorglin, Ireland

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$ low price

The Real Burger facebook posts

Thank you to the people of killorglin for all the support and help it's been an incredible week
Thank you very much
Mr momo

The Real Burger, 2021.07.31.

Hi Everyone
Im looking for your help,
Hoping someone can help me pick a food trailer in Cork to bring to Killorglin.
Ive no hitch on car
If you could reshare and help me, I would be very thankful
Mr Mamo

The Real Burger, 2021.07.08.

Hi I am Looking for staff for part time at weakind Late night have experience on takeaway fast food and good English cotntect me on 0838481860

The Real Burger, 2021.07.06.


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