Subway O'Connell St Limerick

Fast Food Restaurant Sandwich Shop
Subway in O\'Connell St Limerick. Subway Sandwich Store

Subway O'Connell St Limerick contact


address: 123 O'Connell St, Limerick, Ireland

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Subway O'Connell St Limerick facebook posts

Were delighted to have teamed with who deliver much further outside of the city centre were most delivery provider's won't , message us directly for areas or to place an order or go through there a wonderful new local delivery service .

Subway O'Connell St Limerick, 2021.04.02.

Deliveries available on ubereats!!!

Subway O'Connell St Limerick, 2020.10.02.

Uber eats delivery available!!!

Subway O'Connell St Limerick, 2020.06.30.


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