Giving it socks with the Christmas tunes!
St Mary's Bar, 2016.12.19.
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Giving it socks with the Christmas tunes!
St Mary's Bar, 2016.12.19.
St Marys annual Under 25s vs Over 25s Charity soccer match is on St Stephens Day. Game will be kicking of at 12md in Cleveragh Astro so if everyone can be there for 11.30 so we can get an idea of numbers etc. The "Marys Fairies" trophy is currently held by U25s. It's a tenner a head and all money...
St Mary's Bar, 2015.12.23.
Remember the Club Christmas Party takes place on the 23rd December
St Mary's Bar, 2015.12.15.
Northern Rye: Redefining British Bakery Delights in Newcastle