Mr Đinh Restaurant

Asian Restaurant Restaurant
Mr Đinh Restaurant (丁香酒家) is located on Dublin City Centre- 101, 102 Capel Street, Dublin 1

Mr Đinh Restaurant contact


address: 101 - 102 Capel Street, Dublin 1, Dublin, Ireland 1

Mr Đinh Restaurant opening hours

  • Monday 12:30 - 22:30
  • Tuesday 12:30 - 22:30
  • Wednesday 12:30 - 22:30
  • Thursday 12:30 - 22:30 open
  • Friday 12:30 - 22:30
  • Saturday 12:30 - 22:30
  • Sunday 12:30 - 22:30

Mr Đinh Restaurant ratings

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Mr Đinh Restaurant information

price category:

$$ mid price

Mr Đinh Restaurant facebook posts

It’s with heavy heart that we announce that the end of Mr Dinh Restaurant. We will close at the end of 3/11/2019 at 5pm.Thank you for your support and We really appreciate it. We are trying our best to find a new location. If we have any further news we’ll post and update here.

Mr Đinh Restaurant, 2019.10.31.

感謝您對丁香酒家一路以來的支持 我們非常感恩
因租約到期 丁香將營業至11月3日 上午12:30至下午5點 目前我們還在尋找適合的店鋪 如果有進一步的消息 我們會在這裡公佈 造成您的不便 敬請見諒!祝大家身體健康!

Mr Đinh Restaurant, 2019.10.31.

Grianghraif ó phostáil Mr Đinh Restaurant

Only in Mr Dinh

Mr Đinh Restaurant, 2019.02.26.


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