McGraths Bar (Dugout)

Bar Pub
Sporting Bar-All Welcome!

McGraths Bar (Dugout) contact


address: Lower Main Street, Kilfinane, Ireland

public transport:

Taxi\'s can be ordered for customers from the pub

McGraths Bar (Dugout) ratings

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McGraths Bar (Dugout) information


For groups
Wandering guests can come



price category:

$ low price

McGraths Bar (Dugout) facebook posts

Hi all. With absolute devestation we have to close our doors again tonite at 11 30. It is not easy,as the hospitality sector seems to once again bear the brunt of this awful pandemic. It is quite possible we may not be in a position to reopen in 2020 and who knows,2021 may not be much better. It...

McGraths Bar (Dugout), 2020.10.21.

So folks, Neil Hennessy makes a return to Mc g’sthis sat nite. Won’t b like before-itl b better. Get yere tables booked👍

McGraths Bar (Dugout), 2020.09.22.

Open for the community shield this ev. All you arsenal and Liverpool fans,get yere tables booked👍

McGraths Bar (Dugout), 2020.08.29.


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