Kitty O Sé's Seafood and Grill Restaurant

Seafood Restaurant in the Heart of Killarney College St, Killarney, Co. Kerry

Kitty O Sé's Seafood and Grill Restaurant contact


address: College St, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Killarney, Ireland

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Kitty O Sé's Seafood and Grill Restaurant information

price category:

$$$ high price

Kitty O Sé's Seafood and Grill Restaurant facebook posts

We were delighted to welcome the owners of Scoozi Restaurant in Cork to Kitty's earlier today for some indoor dining, we hope your meal!

#familytime #KittyOSes #killarney

Kitty O Sé's Seafood and Grill Restaurant, 2021.08.04.

Grianghraif amlíne

Here at Kitty O'Se's, we work very close with our suppliers to select the finest quality and locally sourced produce! We pride ourselves on having a great relationship with our suppliers so that can guarantee our customers the best from sea to land!!


Kitty O Sé's Seafood and Grill Restaurant, 2021.08.04.

Grianghraif amlíne

Another successful (and hectic!!) Bank Holiday weekend!

We'd like to say a special thank you to all who have dined with us over the last few weeks! We would also kindly ask those who wish to reserve a table with us to have patience🙏 We appreciate all...

Kitty O Sé's Seafood and Grill Restaurant, 2021.08.03.


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