Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound

Frank Quinn Catering provides in-house and outdoor catering. Whether it be for a special event, part

Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound contact


address: Cabinteely Village, Cabinteely, Dublin 18, Dublin, Ireland

Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound opening hours

  • Monday always open
  • Tuesday always open
  • Wednesday always open
  • Thursday always open
  • Friday always open
  • Saturday always open open
  • Sunday always open

Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound ratings

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Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound information

price category:

$$ mid price

Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound facebook posts

Hey Frank as nearby decided i would try burger and chips and it was yummy,and so was Dorina looking a bit cold😜😜.Here is to great food times again only in containers.

Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound, 2021.01.08.

Horse and hound cabinteely takeaway menu and full grill menu available in pud also on till Wednesday 23th December 12.30pm till 930pm wishing you and yours a happy Xmas and a better New year from all the team at the horse and hound pud franko

Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound, 2020.12.17.

Horse & Hound

Takeaway food available at the Horse and Hound pub Cabinteely!!

Frank Quinn at Horse and Hound, 2020.10.21.


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