CPM Sports and Social Club

Sports Bar
The CPM Sports and Social Club has been located in the heart of Clondalkin Village for the last 40 years. It is widely known as the "Gluepot".

CPM Sports and Social Club contact


address: Old Nangor Road, Dublin, Ireland Dublin 22



public transport:

Any bus that goes through Clondalkin village. We are just around the corner from the Round Tower. We are straight accross from the Mill centre enterance off the Old Nangor Road.

CPM Sports and Social Club ratings

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CPM Sports and Social Club information

payment method:



For groups
Child friendly
Wandering guests can come



price category:

$ low price

CPM Sports and Social Club facebook posts

Pitch & Putt Course
Thursday Due To Weed Killer Been Spread Back Open on Friday

CPM Sports and Social Club, 2021.07.14.

All members please note
Due to unforeseen circumstances the Pitch & Putt Course will be Closed today until Monday 5th July.

CPM Sports and Social Club, 2021.06.29.

Pitch & Putt Course reopened the weekend.
For the time and effort Put in to restore the course there was a very poor showing from members and public. Hope this picks up and our time spent was not wasted.

CPM Sports and Social Club, 2021.05.10.


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