Considine's Bar

Bar Pub
The nearest bar to the Cliffs of Moher

Considine's Bar contact


address: St. Brigids Well,, Liscannor, Ireland The nearest bar to the Cliffs of Moher

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Last shipping dates for
FYI all Considines bar t-shirts and hoodies free worldwide delivery now until 7 December as we are nice like that 😏😘

Considine's Bar, 2020.12.05.

Welcome to Moher Cottage Online Store

FYI all, as a little treat for all overseas especially, our Considine's Bar Merch is Free Delivery WORLDWIDE until end of day Monday 30 Nov - just head to:

Considine's Bar, 2020.11.26.

We’ve been quiet on here with the year that’s in it but know that we are thinking of you all in the US today , have a lovely Thanksgiving !
Hope you all enjoy the day there and look forward to brighter days ahead which might include that trip to Clare ... an idea to chat over while having...

Considine's Bar, 2020.11.26.


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