Cafe Irie Dublin

Breakfast & Brunch restaurant Cafe Sandwich Shop

Cafe Irie Dublin contact


address: Dublin, Ireland Dublin 2

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Cafe Irie Dublin information

price category:

$ low price

Cafe Irie Dublin facebook posts

I REALLY miss Cafe Irie! Please bring it back! Open somewhere. THe food was the best in town. I'd do eerything I could to support it! I'd even invest!

Cafe Irie Dublin, 2014.04.03.

why did they kill off café irie?

Cafe Irie Dublin, 2014.01.18.

Reduce Irish Politicians Wages to €30,000 a year.

please share this page, invite all your friends to it ,and help get a solid effective campaign going. please go to page and like it, as liking this 'link' does not actually result in liking the page. thanks!...

Cafe Irie Dublin, 2014.01.15.


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