Asian Tea House Restaurant

Asian Restaurant Restaurant
Asian fusion restaurant in the Heart of Galway.

Asian Tea House Restaurant contact


address: 14-15, Mary Street, Galway, Ireland none

Asian Tea House Restaurant opening hours

  • Monday 17:00 - 22:30
  • Tuesday close
  • Wednesday 17:00 - 22:30
  • Thursday 17:00 - 22:30 open
  • Friday 17:00 - 22:30
  • Saturday 17:00 - 22:30
  • Sunday 17:00 - 22:30

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Asian Tea House Restaurant information

price category:

$$ mid price

Asian Tea House Restaurant facebook posts

Happy Galway Race Week and congratulations 🎉 to all businesses, our neighbours and peers who are reopening for Indoor dining today!

We couldn’t join the craic this year because we are still CLOSED (until further notice) but our heart stays with everyone.

Stay safe!

Asian Tea House Restaurant, 2021.07.26.

Fully and deeply sanitised by Corrib Hygiene & Sanitising LTD.

Thanks to Darren and his team who had sanitised the premises thoroughly.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t reopen on the 26th July 2021 for the indoor dining. We will stay CLOSED until further notice!


Asian Tea House Restaurant, 2021.07.24.

Grianghraif amlíne

We are o-fish-ally in ❤️ love with Mango Seabass!

The delicious and delicate seabass is wok fried till golden crispy then served on fresh mixed salads and fresh mangoes. The Thai spicy herbs dressing just pep up the flavour of the salads mixture...

Asian Tea House Restaurant, 2021.07.16.


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