Nagyon tetszett. Baratságos személyzet. Csodaszép rendezett a park. Különleges fákkal. Szuper volt. Ajánlom 🤗
Viktória Bihari
Pompás kert és park veszi körbe a romkastélyt. A kastélyba nem éri meg felmenni a sorban állás miatt, viszont a park lenyűgöző.
Krisztian Katona
A 18 euros belepoert a varromot lehetett megnezni (illetve csokolgatni), a Blarney House (a kastely) junius 1-jen nyit ujra. A mergezo novenyekbol allo kerten kivul nem volt masik kert.Egy vizeses "mukodott", a masik nem. Elhanyagolt hatast keltett az epuletek kornyezete.
Györgyi Katkics
The castle and grounds are SPECTACULAR!!! Best thing we've done in Ireland!!!
You can walk through nearly every part if the castle. So much history and stories. Kiss the Blarney Stone if you're not afraid of heights.
Blarney House is only open during the summer so I only got to see the outside, but it's beautiful.
The grounds are breath taking. Leave plenty of time to explore.
The four stars rating us because when I spent nearly $200 in the gift shop the cashier didn't bother to tell me about getting a tax refund card, which would have saved me $17. I found out about the tax refund from another merchant in town, had to walk back and then when I ASKED, they face me the refund card. But why do I have to ask when I'm obviously American and I'd appreciate the refund. Not great customer service.
Camiah Mingorance