Joe Boland says he fancies a pint but needs his old ford cortina to avoid the garda checkpoints out of Dublin. He’ll just have to make do with a bowl of veg soup instead of a pint of hop soup.
Kilkenny's Pub, 2020.09.21.
Te milyennek látod ezt a helyet (Kilkenny's Pub)? Értékeld:
Joe Boland says he fancies a pint but needs his old ford cortina to avoid the garda checkpoints out of Dublin. He’ll just have to make do with a bowl of veg soup instead of a pint of hop soup.
Kilkenny's Pub, 2020.09.21.
Grianghraif ó phostáil Kilkenny's Pub
Congrats to Aidan Mcdonagh and Ron Skeffington on winning the Men's and Women's Conboy cup competition !! A big thanks to everyone who participated and supported at the weekend was a fantastic occasion. 🎯🎯🍺
Kilkenny's Pub, 2020.02.03.
Grianghraif ó phostáil Ireland West Airport
Kilkenny's Pub, 2019.03.22.
Török brunch a Dobrumbában