Christophes Restaurant & Catering updated their business hours.
Christophes Restaurant & Catering, 2021.07.24.
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Christophes Restaurant & Catering updated their business hours.
Christophes Restaurant & Catering, 2021.07.24.
Most years right now we'd be gearing up one long day of fantastic music & creativity in Smithfield Sq for #HotterthanJuly, surrounded by wonderful people and businesses who make Dublin 7 a great place to be!
This year Hotter than July online is going to be a bit different, keeping...
Christophes Restaurant & Catering, 2020.07.20.
Hi folks. We are open as normal with a full menu available for takeaway. Please call if you wish to pre-order food and collect. Thank you for your continued business
Christophes Restaurant & Catering, 2020.03.13.
Rendhagyó jógaóra a Kopaszi-öböl partján